i order a cookbook a 2 months back and never recieve it but my card was charge. what is the deal
Hey there!
I'm sorry for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused you. You should never have to wait for any of the ecookbooks.
If it was one of the $1 ecookbooks, you should have been redirected to the page to download your ebook as soon as you paid through PayPal. Please send me your name, email address and the title of the ebook and I will make sure that you get your copy ASAP. You can contact me by clicking here!
If it was "Tried and True Recipes From Mamas Kitchen", that ebook is sold through Lulu. You will need to go to Lulu.com, log in to the account you created when you bought the ebook, click on "My orders" and you will be able to download it from there.
Again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Warm Dishes,
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Dec 11, 18 03:03 PM
Oct 31, 17 11:13 AM
Oct 31, 17 11:12 AM